The cranberry biscuit

2023-10-29 15:14:13COOKIE





130 grams of low-fat flour
One egg.
30 grams of flour
210 grams of butter
50 grams of cranberry stems

How TO MADE The cranberry biscuit

Steps 1 to 4

1. The softened butter is made into a paste using an electric egg beater, then added to the sugar powder and mixed evenly.

2. Then beat the eggs into a whole egg liquid, add the butter in stages, mix evenly; then add the low-fat flour, mix with a spoon, finally add the chopped cranberry, mix evenly, then prepare a preservation box, cover it with a preservation film (to leave enough leftover to wrap the ingredients), put the mixed ingredients into the preservation film, wrap it and adjust it according to the contour.

3. Put it in the refrigerator for one hour.

4. Remove frozen food from the refrigerator, take it out of the container, open the container and cut it into 5 mm wide slices.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Place the paper in the grill pan, and place the sliced cranberry slices evenly, leaving a certain gap in between to prevent sticking.

6. Put it in the oven, heat it up to 180 degrees, bake it in the middle for 15 to 20 minutes, in the last few minutes be careful to observe.

7. And the crispy, fragrant cranberry biscuits are out of the oven!

8. To prevent the taste from changing overnight, intentionally seal the opening of the cookie bag with a sticker.

9. Baking weekly products can be found in all kinds of places.

Handy cooking tips

  1.It is recommended to use an electric egg beater for the operation 2.Prepare a bread box and a preservative film to make a package of mixed dough 3.Fire weather should be observed according to your oven at all times