Sugar cream peanuts without fried starch - super simple

2023-10-29 15:14:59COOKIE


  When I was a kid, I used to eat peanuts with sugar cream, and this year I learned the simplest recipe from my neighbor's grandfather, it tastes better than when I was a kid, and it's a little bit cleaner than the clean hygiene I bought outside.There is no need to fry sugar and wrap starch, the process is very simple.



500 grams of peanuts
4 tablespoons of white sugar
One egg.

How TO MADE Sugar cream peanuts without fried starch - super simple

Steps 1 to 4

1. Egg whites and white sugar are placed in a bowl to dissolve the white sugar, egg whites and white milk, the longer the time, the better.

2. I sent it manually for about half an hour.

3. Pour the peanuts into the oil pan, slowly fry them, and after frying them, take them out, pour them directly into the egg yolk cream, use the chopsticks to stir them vigorously, so that the sugar cream is evenly wrapped on the peanuts, take the bowl to the window to dry, and during the drying process, stir the chopsticks frequently to prevent the peanuts from sticking together.

4. It can be eaten in a plate after cooling.

Handy cooking tips

  This is what I did a few days ago, and I didn't take any pictures, but I did it again and again.