Cranberry cookies

2023-10-29 15:15:39COOKIE





200 grams of low-fat flour
130 grams of unsalted butter
65 grams of whole eggs
Dried cranberries 70 grams
90 grams of flour

How TO MADE Cranberry cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. The sugar powder is mixed with softened butter so that the butter sticks to the sugar powder and does not splash when it is spread.

2. High-speed delivery of butter with an egg beater

3. Add the egg yolk three times after blanching.

4. Starting to flourish

Steps 5 to 8

5. Dried cranberries

6. Slightly stirred

7. Screening low-fat flour

8. It can be mixed into a soft cookie dough.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Take out a large rectangular wooden box and put it in a slightly larger preservative.

10. Fill in the cookie dough.

11. Folding back the preservative film, you can make a very smooth cookie, it is recommended to take it out and model the bottom up again.

12. Then put it in the fridge and freeze.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Frozen for more than 1 hour, cranberry cutting cookie paste must be frozen very hard to cut beautifully, otherwise the butter dough is not hard enough, cutting cranberry continuously, the cookie cut is not smooth

14. Cut into 0.4 cm thick biscuits, cut with a knife that is easy to stick to cranberries, wipe clean and cut again

15. There's a gap in the pan, because if you add more eggs, the cookie will swell, so you have to leave a gap.

16. Put it in a preheated 185-degree oven on low heat and bake for about 15 minutes.

17. Because this cookie expands, and the cranberries cause uneven expansion, the baked shape is slightly irregular compared to other cookies.