Grape juice

2023-10-29 15:19:48COOKIE


  The best New Year's Eve snack for guests, the operation is simple, in fact there are few steps, so I wrote in more detail, haha, eat it.



180 grams of low-fat flour
Three eggs.
80 grams of butter
60 grams of raisins
12 grams of milk powder
50 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE Grape juice

Steps 1 to 4

1. All materials are ready for backup.

2. Cut the butter into small pieces, soften the insulating water to your fingertips, stir it with an electric egg beater, then add fine sugar and milk powder

3. Serve with an electric egg beater until the volume is swollen and the color is slightly lighter

4. The egg yolk is dispersed and added in stages, stirring evenly with the egg beater (each time wait for the egg yolk and butter to be completely mixed evenly and add again)

Steps 5 to 8

5. Screening low-fat flour

6. Mix the flour and butter evenly by hand

7. Pour into the raisins and stir evenly to form a uniform dough

8. Use a kneading rod to knead the dough into slices about 1 cm thick (it breaks easily when kneading, you can flatten it by hand first, then knead it again, pressing the edges together)

Steps 9 to 12

9. Cut it into small rectangles with a knife (measure the length yourself).

10. Arrange it in a toaster and brush a layer of scattered egg yolk on the surface (if the toaster is an ordinary toaster, it is recommended to lay a layer of tin paper)

11. Oven 180 degrees preheated for 10 minutes, baking: 180 degrees up and down, baking for about 15 minutes until the surface is golden yellow

12. The fragrant grape juice is out of the oven!

Handy cooking tips

  If it's really melted into a liquid, it doesn't matter, put it back in the refrigerator, wait for it to return to a soft, soft state and then take it out. This cookie only uses egg yolk, the remaining protein can be used to make protein biscuits, brittle angel biscuits, coconut protein, ball cake, etc.