Cranberry biscuits - easy-to-step ingredients that are easy to find

2023-10-29 15:19:50COOKIE


  Very spicy little biscuits, my baby loves them, butter mixed with sweetness mixed with this cranberry's sweetness, the taste is endless.And the method is simple, there's almost no chance of failure, and it's better for a newbie to practice baking.I have a baby, I have very little sugar, I like sweets, I can add 60 grams if desired.



65 grams of butter
30 grams of flour
115 grams of flour
One egg yolk.

How TO MADE Cranberry biscuits - easy-to-step ingredients that are easy to find

Steps 1 to 4

1. Butter and egg yolk stir evenly

2. Pour into the sugar powder and mix well.

3. Add the powder to the mixture.

4. Ordinary flour is fine, but the flour does not affect the taste.

Steps 5 to 8

5. It is mixed with cranberry juice evenly, squeezing the growth strips.

6. The preservative film is wrapped, smashed on the board, smashed in all four directions, and it is easy to form a square.

7. Refrigerate for half an hour, then take it out, feel that the shape is not good enough and adjust it again.

8. I didn't buy the mold.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The frozen layer is frozen for an hour, and when the dough hardens, slices are taken out, about 0.5 cm thick.

10. The thickness and thickness will be cooked more evenly, the knife is my hard wound, ignore it, haha

11. The surface is golden yellow and can be cooked in a paper-coated oven at 175 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes.

12. Come and roar.