The market price of pocket biscuits in Taiwan is 60-100 yuan per kilogram.

2023-10-29 15:21:03COOKIE


  On the food street in Taiwan, this pocket cookie sells for about 6-10 yuan 50 grams, such an expensive cookie is actually very simple to make, I basically restored the taste of the pocket cookie, and improved the recipe to make this chocolate-flavored pocket cookie.This cookie has no additives or oil, and can be used as a snack during meals, and babies can brush their teeth.Since it is a biscuit cut from two overlapping pieces of dough, it can be split in half, it is fun to eat, and it can also exercise the baby's grasping ability.If you like it, come and try it, it's delicious, remember to upload pictures.



300 grams of low-fat flour
150 ml of cream
70 grams of milk
Chocolate powder (cocoa powder) 20 grams
30 grams of milk powder
20 grams of flour
One egg.
1 gram of salt

How TO MADE The market price of pocket biscuits in Taiwan is 60-100 yuan per kilogram.

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare a large bowl, as shown for the egg-laying bowl.

2. One egg scattered

3. Add 70 g of milk, 150 ml of light cream and stir evenly.

4. Add 20 g of sugar powder, 20 g of cocoa powder, 1 g of salt, 30 g of milk powder and stir evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The use of white sugar is not recommended because the white sugar granules are large and not easily dispersed.

6. Add 300 g of low-fat flour, wash your hands and stir the dough by hand.

7. The dough is not particularly moist, as long as the dough is evenly colored, do not over-mix the dough, which will cause the dough to harden.

8. The finished dough is roughly as shown.

Steps 9 to 12

9. If the dough feels too dry during the kneading process, a moderate amount of refined milk can be added.

10. My square is actually my actual consumption, and I feel that the humidity of the dough is good, and of course I don't rule out the difference in the water content of different brands of products.

11. If the room temperature is low, like today, my house is only 5 degrees, I don't need refrigeration, I can go straight to the next step.

12. It is recommended to refrigerate at room temperature for about 30 minutes.

13. The dough is cut in half separately with a doughnut stick, then stacked together and cut into squares.

14. The thickness of a single slice is about 4-5 mm, so do not make it too thick, as the biscuits will be slightly taller when baked.

15. The height of the finished biscuit grains is less than 1 cm.

16. The oven is preheated at 180 degrees for 5 minutes, at which point the pan is padded with tin paper, and the biscuit grains are placed in turn, reserved for air raids, do not put too dense to affect the evaporation of biscuit powder.

17. After preheating, the biscuits are put in, the middle layer is cooked at 180 degrees for 15 minutes, then the translation is cooked at 180 degrees for 10 minutes.

18. Since chocolate biscuits do not have a noticeable color, they can be cooked for about 25 to 30 minutes before they are cooked.

19. You can eat it when it's cold, and you can break it in half and finish it.

20. It's fun to put my name on a bag of cookies, isn't it?

21. The taste of this cookie is slightly hard, not particularly sweet, but has a chocolate flavor as well as a milk powder flavor, and the flavor is more aromatic.


Handy cooking tips

  If you don't like the chocolate flavor, if you like to eat raw, you can replace 20 g of chocolate powder with the same amount of milk powder. The biscuits are harder, not suitable for elderly people with poor digestion.