Lemon and sugar cookies

2023-10-29 15:24:14COOKIE


  Super-sweet butter cookies, sour-sweet sweets wrapped in lovely shaped butter cookies, delicious and fun, given to children as gifts for Children's Day, even the babies grab them and eat them, shame on them!



120 grams of butter
100 grams of flour
One egg.
A little bit of spice.
240 grams of low-fat flour
A moderate amount of flour
60 grams of flour
15 ml of lemon juice

How TO MADE Lemon and sugar cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Making butter paste: put butter in a mixing bowl, soften at room temperature, use an egg beater to stir into a smooth paste, stir until the color turns white, the volume has a fluffy and light feel.

2. Add sugar powder: Add sugar powder two or three times, add sugar powder each time, and mix in an egg beater.

3. Add eggs: Add the scattered eggs in stages, mixing evenly after each addition.

4. After mixing smoothly, add the vanilla extract for mixing.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add low-fat flour: sift into low-fat flour, slice gently and mix.

6. Gather the dough together: after the powder in the dough has disappeared, gather the dough together, put it on the board, and gently rub the dough with your hands to make it come together.

7. Then wrap it in a preservative film, put it in the refrigerator and let it cool for 20 to 30 minutes.

8. The dough is divided into two parts and placed on a slab of low-fat flour, on either side of which are convenient chopsticks, which will knead the dough into a uniform thickness of 5 mm.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The remaining group can be thinned in the same way.

10. Pressing film: the mold is glued to the powder surface and pressed against the skin for shaping.

11. After the clamping is completed, the remaining skin is gathered together again, and the clamping can be done after thinning in the same way.

12. Baking: Place the pressed cookie dough separately in an oven with baking paper and bake in a 180°C oven for 15 to 18 minutes.

13. To make lemon sugar: in a small bowl, add 60 grams of sugar powder and about 15 ml of lemon juice and mix well.

14. At first, the sugar dissolved in the mixture is viscous, which will slowly melt and dilute during further stirring.

15. Stir until it doesn't run off on the cookie.

16. Use a small spoon to sprinkle sugar on the surface of the cooked biscuit, make your own favorite pattern, and then set it to solidify.

17. It's cute, it tastes sweet, and it's perfect for kids!

Handy cooking tips

  1. the sugar coating can be adjusted by adding a moderate amount of lemon juice 2. the low powder on the pre-pressing film should be spread slightly more, easy to remove the mold.