The first experience of the UKOEO 65 litre oven

2023-10-29 15:24:16COOKIE


  Spring, always a season full of miracles.This spring, I owned my ultimate baking configuration, the Ford UKOEO HBD-6003 oven, 65 liters capacity, the ultimate dream of every baking enthusiast, and my dream has now come true.Thinking about the day the oven was delivered, I would have thought that I would have been able to move it slowly, but the result was that I couldn't move it at all, let alone move it, 22 kg, how thick is this material, hey, the oven is very good, the most important thing is that the color is uniform, the temperature is accurate, and more importantly the capacity is large, the previous 25-liter oven had two plates of biscuits, this time one plate is enough to arrange, so cool!



130 grams of butter
50 grams of whole eggs
35 grams of fine sugar
65 grams of flour
160 grams of flour
30 grams of cornstarch
5 grams of tea powder
5 grams of coconut powder

How TO MADE The first experience of the UKOEO 65 litre oven

Steps 1 to 4

1. The butter is softened at room temperature, added sugar powder, fine sugar, and beaten with an egg beater until the volume is fluffy and the color is pale.

2. Add the egg juice three times, mix it evenly with the egg mixer, each time wait for the butter and the egg juice to merge and add it again, the butter is very loose and light, lifting the egg head can form a sharp edge.

3. Divide the butter into two equal parts, one of which is sifted into 80 g of flour, 15 g of cornstarch, 5 g of coconut flour, and the other is sifted into 80 g of flour, 15 g of cornstarch, and 5 g of tea powder, and mix them evenly with a scraper until they are dry.

4. The two-colored dough is packed together in a flower bag (at this point the oven is preheated) and squeezed evenly onto a paper-coated pan.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put it in a preheated oven, the top and bottom tubes are 180 degrees, the top number is the second layer, 10 to 15 minutes (depending on the size of the cookie), bake it to a tiny golden yellow.

6. It's better to be on the sidelines for the last few minutes, so as not to overdo it.

7. Take it out as soon as it's cooked, it'll be crispy when it dries.

8. If it is cooked well and not taken out in time, the preheating of the oven will make the cooking excessive and it is likely to be cooked.

9. The biscuits can also be made with ordinary flour, i.e. medium starch, as long as some cornstarch is added to reduce the starch, in addition, do not stir for too long, the finished product is still very crisp, and do not have to buy low starch from the Internet every time.

10. Generally, the ratio of cornstarch added is 1:4, one cornstarch and four servings of starch.

11. For example, if you need 100 grams of flour, you can use 80 grams of starch and 20 grams of cornstarch.

12. This method can also be used to make the low-fiber flour used in Chihuahua cakes, which I have always used without any problems.


Handy cooking tips

  The main purpose of this baking is to test the new oven temperature adjustment and heating, baking according to the temperature of the original recipe, then observing and timing, if it is detected early, it indicates that the oven temperature is too high, if after a certain time it still does not reach the expected top color, then it can be judged that the oven temperature is too low.The results of this actual measurement verify that the UKOEO HBD-6003 oven has virtually no temperature differences.In the absence of a heating fan, the entire plate of biscuits is almost uniform in color, indicating that the heating is even up and down.The bottom is darker than the top because the bottom grill is heated more directly and conducts heat faster, and does not indicate a high bottom temperature.Other methods are needed to test whether the bottom flame is high.