Margaret's cookies

2023-10-29 15:24:22COOKIE





50 grams of butter
30 grams of flour
One boiled egg.
50 grams of low-fat flour
50 grams of cornstarch
0.5 grams of salt

How TO MADE Margaret's cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Butter, sugar, and powdered salt are mixed, and the material is sent out by an electric egg maker.

2. Add the crushed egg yolk to step 1 and stir evenly.

3. Add low starch flour and cornstarch in step 2 and stir until evenly dried.

4. Gently grind the material into clumps, divide it into 15 equal pieces, and then gently rub it into round balls.

Steps 5 to 8

5. After arranging the balls on the grill, gently press a small hole with your fingers

6. Put in a preheated 170°C oven and cook until golden yellow on the edge (approximately 15-18 minutes)