Onion butter biscuits

2023-10-29 15:27:25COOKIE


  This is a low-sugar onion oil cookie, and the name always reminds me of Wang Bao's onion oil massage... of course it's not the same.But compared to the sweet and sour cookies we're used to, the flavor of the onion oil is also different.It's trying to create as little jelly as possible with relatively low fat and as natural as possible.Will you fall in love with it when you taste it?



100 grams of fortified flour (or common flour)
50 grams of cornstarch
15 grams of vegetable oil
20 g of white sugar
2 grams of dry yeast
45 grams of water
26 grams of butter
3 grams of salt
12 grams of fresh onions

How TO MADE Onion butter biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. First, make a water-oil peel, mix the strongly powdered vegetable oil, sugar, and dry yeast with water, and knead vigorously for a few minutes until it is a smooth dough.

2. (If you want to be completely sugar-free, you can also omit sugar altogether) Cover the dough with a preservative film and put it in a warm place for fermentation.

3. When the dough is fermented to twice its size, it is better (the fermentation time varies depending on the temperature, from 40 minutes to one and a half hours, if the room temperature is low, it can be insulated with water, it will ferment faster).

4. The fermented dough is squeezed out of the air by hand, re-mixed into a round shape and loosened for 15 minutes.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Then make the butter dough.

6. The onions are cut as thinly as possible, and the butter is cut into small pieces, heated in a waterproof way or heated in a microwave to dissolve into a liquid.

7. Maize starch is dissolved in butter, and onions are mixed with salt.

8. Stir vigorously for a moment until it becomes a dough (it may be loose at first, but after a moment of vigorous rubbing it will become a dough).

Steps 9 to 12

9. If you really can't do it, you can add a little more melted butter, don't add water.

10. Press the loose buttermilk dough flat and wrap the buttermilk dough completely in the buttermilk dough.

11. After wrapping, the receipt is placed down on the cardboard, covered with a preservative film, and relaxed for 15 minutes.

12. Sprinkle some flour on the pattern to prevent it from sticking, and use a doughnut stick to open the dough into a growth square.

13. Fold the two ends of the loaf of bread in the middle and fold them together again.

14. The four-folded dough is rotated 90°, opened again to form a growth square, and folded again.

15. After being folded four times, the dough is opened into a rectangle about 0.2 cm thick.

16. Cut off the irregular edges to form a regular rectangle.

17. Cut into several small squares and make small holes in them with a fork or toothpick.

18. Place the cut square biscuit blocks on the baking tray.

19. Leave some space between each cookie.

20. Sprinkle some water on the biscuits and ferment in a warm place for about 25 minutes until the thickness of the biscuits is 1.5 to 2 times that of the original.

21. Place the middle layer in a preheated oven at 180 °C and bake for about 13 minutes until the surface is golden yellow.

22. Whoa, whoa.

Handy cooking tips

  TIPS: This cookie can be made with rich flour or plain flour.However, the water absorption of different flours is not the same, and the amount of water used varies according to the actual situation, as long as it is guaranteed that the dough is soft and smooth.If you melt butter in a microwave, pay attention to the time, it's almost a minute, otherwise the butter will spill.Butter in 3 liters of ghee can be substituted for the same weight of vegetable oil, but the ghee will be slightly less loose.Butter can also be replaced with pork fat of the same weight, the pork oil has a better crisp effect, and the finished product will be more crisp.