Protein cream and tea cookies

2023-10-29 15:28:31COOKIE





Tea cookies: in moderation
5 grams of tea powder
130 grams of low-fat flour
60 grams of butter
30 grams of egg juice
60 grams of flour
A little bit of salt
Protein cream: in moderation
Half of the protein
125 grams of sugar powder
A little lemon juice

How TO MADE Protein cream and tea cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Egg juice with sugar powder sent to light yellow

2. Screening for powder

3. Added room-temperature softened butter

4. Place in the refrigerator for an hour with a preservative wrapper, then remove and knead to a thickness of 0.6 cm, pressing the pattern.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Preheat the oven to 165 degrees and bake for 15 minutes.

6. The protein is added to the lemon juice until it is thick, then beaten with a second stop until it is white, then poured into the sugar powder.

7. Put the protein cream in the bag and cut a very thin mouth.

8. Start with the finished product.

9. The map...

10. The map...