Grape juice

2023-10-29 15:28:58COOKIE


  Come and taste the milk-scented grapefruit biscuits!



195 grams of low-fat flour
Three eggs.
12 grams of milk powder
80 grams of butter
70 grams of fine sugar
80 grams of raisins
A little egg yolk (brush the surface)

How TO MADE Grape juice

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare the raw materials.

2. After the butter is softened, it is dispersed at low speed with an electric egg beater, added fine sugar and milk powder, first use a stirring stick to mix the sugar, milk powder and butter slightly, otherwise it will splash around when stirring.

3. Use an egg beater until the volume swells and the color fades.

4. Add three egg yolks in turn, and stir evenly with the egg beater, each time waiting for the egg yolk and butter to mix completely evenly before adding the next egg yolk.

Steps 5 to 8

5. After stirring, the butter should be in a thick, expanded state.

6. Low-fat flour is sifted and poured into the butter.

7. The flour and butter are mixed evenly by hand.

8. Pour into the raisins and stir evenly, kneading into a uniform dough.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The dough is placed on a board and kneaded with a doughnut stick into slices about 1 cm thick.

10. The sheet is formed into a square and cut into small rectangles of about 4.5 cm x 3 cm with a knife.

11. Use a scraper to move the small rectangular dough into the baking tray and brush a layer of scattered egg yolk on the surface.

12. Put it in a preheated oven, heat it at 180 degrees Fahrenheit and bake for about 15 minutes until the surface is golden yellow.

13. After the baked biscuits are cooled, they are stored in a sealed container.


Handy cooking tips

  The material of this biscuit has a different water absorption, and if the dough is found to be very dry and not clumped at the time of preparation, it is possible to add egg butter, so that the dough reaches the appropriate dry moisture level.