Onion and sesame biscuits

2023-10-29 15:57:46COOKIE


  Since my stomach is not very good, I often prepare some stomach-healthy foods at home, such as dried coconut biscuits and so on.Soda biscuits are my staple.When I'm not baking, I often go to the supermarket to buy some soda biscuits to eat, and I've tried many brands, but none of them are very tasty.I'll do it myself, I'll do whatever I want to eat, I'll do whatever I want to eat, I'll do whatever I want to do...Onion and sesame biscuits are one of my favorite biscuits, crisp and savory.I'll also bring some to the unit, to annoy the greedy cat sisters who often sneak into my office to eat.Sometimes when we're done eating, our mouths are clean, and then someone comes in and asks, "What's that smell?"



100 grams of flour
30 grams of flour
40 grams of water
20 grams of butter
5 grams of yeast
0.5 grams of baking soda
2 grams of salt
Onions in moderation
Black sesame in moderation
15 grams of butter
2 grams of salt

How TO MADE Onion and sesame biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. The ingredients of the dough are mixed together to form a dough, covered with a preservative film and fermented at room temperature for 30 minutes.

2. The oil ingredients are also used to make dough (butter must be melted separately from water).

3. The dough grows into square slices.

4. Fold one side from one-third to the middle.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The other side is folded in the middle.

6. Completion of the first triple fold.

7. After folding, fold down and repeat step 5.6 twice.

8. After three rounds of folding, the skin is formed into a square shape, and the oil is placed in the middle.

Steps 9 to 12

9. After crushing the butter, squeeze it again with a doughnut stick, so that the butter becomes flaky.

10. Turn the skin on one side and cover it with butter.

11. Turn the other side over and cover it with butter.

12. Use your hands to squeeze both ends and wrap them in butter.

13. Repeat three rounds after wrapping.

14. Finally, it is cut into thin slices and a small, even hole is drilled in the skin with a fork.

15. Cut into squares with a knife.

16. It is placed in a pan and kept warm for final fermentation.

17. After 20-30 minutes, the slices thicken slightly and can be placed in a preheated oven.

18. 180 degrees, 20 minutes.

19. It is rich in flavor, crisp and tasty.
