Margaret's little cake

2023-10-29 15:57:58COOKIE





100 grams of unsalted butter
60 grams of flour
Two boiled eggs.
Low flour 100 grams
100 grams of cornstarch

How TO MADE Margaret's little cake

1. The butter is softened at room temperature and cut into buttons.

2. Add sugar powder to the butter of the chopping (you can do it manually, I use electricity, it's faster and more energy-efficient).

3. Add the cooked egg yolk to the sieve and stir evenly.

4. Low flour and cornstarch are added to 3 after sieving and stirred evenly into a dough.

5. Put the good dough in the fridge for an hour.

6. The dough is removed, divided into small doughs (20 to 30), rubbed round with the hand, and then flattened at will with the thumb.

7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake for 25 minutes.

Handy cooking tips

  Each hundred grams of egg contains 14.7 grams of protein, mainly egg white and egg white protein, which contains eight amino acids essential to the human body and is very similar in composition to human protein, the human body can absorb up to 98% of egg protein.Each hundred grams of egg contains 11-15 grams of fat, mainly concentrated in the egg yolk, which is also very easily absorbed by the human body. The egg yolk contains a rich amount of phospholipid steroid-like phospholipids and calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin B.These ingredients are very beneficial for enhancing the functioning of the nervous system, so eggs are a good brain-boosting food.