Fresh milk and beans

2023-10-29 15:58:04COOKIE





High powdered gold 200 grams
Low flour 50 grams
Water (moisture control is flexible
increasing and decreasing according to the water absorption of the flour and the local dry climate) 128 grams
18 grams of cream
Eggs 38 grams
White sugar 35 grams
4 grams of yeast
3 grams of salt
38 grams of butter
Red bean sand in moderation

How TO MADE Fresh milk and beans

Steps 1 to 4

1. Remove all the ingredients except the butter and put it in the stirrer 020, stirring 2 times (I've been using 2 times, stirring for about 25 minutes).

2. Butter is added after cooking.

3. (Make sure the water is fully absorbed by the dough)

4. Approaching the expanded state, continue stirring.

5. (Dawan thinks the expansion of the dough is about mixing the dough to more than 7%, but not to the same extent as 80%)

6. Continue stirring until the dough is expanded: the dough is elastic, the surface is smooth, the film is not transparent when pulled apart, and the mouth is jagged when torn apart.

7. As in Figure 5, a little more stirring will do the trick.

8. (Figure 6) I was tearing the dough with one hand, one hand holding the camera, and the dough was not ideal for me to tear, but it was already smooth.

9. )

10. Take the dough and put it in a frying pan and ferment it in a warm place about 2-2.5 times.

11. Divide the shape, large fresh milk without stuffing bag 100 grams each, bean soup bag 50 grams each.

12. Rub the divided dough in a circle, cover the mold with a protective film, and relax for 20 minutes.

13. I'm a little lazy, I didn't calculate the weight of the beans accurately, so I randomly divided the beans out, and it turned out to be too big, 50 grams of dough should look like 28 grams of beans.

14. The loose dough is flattened by hand, wrapped like a moon cake filling, placed in a warm place and finally fermented about twice the size in the oven 190 minutes 35 minutes up and down, immediately adding tin paper to the color.
