Traditional peaches

2023-10-29 16:00:25COOKIE


  He thought he had bought it, but he didn't know it was made until he had eaten it.It looks and feels like it's been bought.What's going on?



Low powder 150 grams
50 grams of olive oil
40 grams of white sugar
1 g of flour
Six of the nuts

How TO MADE Traditional peaches

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparation materials (nut shells baked at 160° for 2 minutes, peel as a backup);

2. Pour olive oil into a large bowl, add sugar, stir evenly;

3. Add an egg and stir evenly.

4. Screening low powder and soda powder;

Steps 5 to 8

5. Sprinkled with walnut chips;

6. Gently cut into clumps with a scraper;

7. Divided into small doughs of the same size;

8. Put your hand on your heart and press it gently.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Do it all right;

10. 180° for about 20 minutes.
