Italian raisins and peanuts

2023-10-29 16:00:30COOKIE





Three whole eggs.
200 grams of sugar
380 grams of low-fat flour
150 grams of peanuts
150 grams of raisins
A little bit of spice.
6 grams of flour
6 grams of cinnamon powder
2 grams of salt

How TO MADE Italian raisins and peanuts

Steps 1 to 4

1. Pour the whole egg, the vanilla extract, the salt and the red sugar into the bowl and beat it all the way through.

2. Add low-fat flour, baking powder and cinnamon powder and stir evenly;

3. Add the almonds, stir the raisins into the dough;

4. Mixed into a dough;

Steps 5 to 8

5. The dough is divided into two parts and placed on a baking cloth to form a long, round bar;

6. Put it in a preheated 180-degree oven, cook the middle and lower layers for about 40 minutes, then cook them for eight minutes.

7. After cooling, cut into slices;

8. Place the slice flat on the grill, put it back in the oven, 170 degrees, middle layer, continue to bake for 10 minutes, then dry the grill.

Steps 9 to 12

9. After cooling, put it in a sealed box.


Handy cooking tips

  1. put the eggs and the liquid ingredients in the sugar, then mix it with low powder, etc., mix evenly and then put it in dried fruits such as grapes and peanuts, of course you can also replace it with other nuts, almonds, etc. 2. when preparing the mold, you can sprinkle a little low starch flour as hand flour to prevent sticky; 3. preheat the oven to 180 degrees, bake for 40 minutes, take out and cool; then put the slices on the flat oven and continue baking for 10 minutes, then you can cook.