This is a super panda cookie.

2023-10-29 16:00:49COOKIE





10 grams of black cocoa powder
Low powder 180 grams
25 grams of flour
50 grams of cream
90 grams of animal butter
High flour 35 grams
20 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE This is a super panda cookie.

Steps 1 to 4

1. Step: Mix the black part of the sample with low-powdered black cocoa powder and high-powdered screening reserve

2. The butter is cut into small particles, mixed with sugar powder and fine sugar, stirred into a smooth shape with an electric egg beater, and then added to a small amount of light cream several times.

3. After mixing the butter and cream evenly, add the powder that was mixed in step 1.

4. Mix into a dough, wrap in a preservative film, and refrigerate for about 20 minutes.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The two-colored dough is separately kneaded into a skin about 0.2 mm thick.

6. Take the panda cookie model

7. The cookie mold is in black and white.

8. The cookie mold is in black and white.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The black mold is pressed into shape on top of the black dough.

10. The white mold is pressed into shape on the original colored dough.

11. Nose and eyes pressed out with a face mold

12. As shown in the picture, put the cookie slices overlapping together, and gently press them together, avoiding separation after baking. Oh baking: 170 degrees, 150 degrees, middle layer, about 15 minutes, pay attention to observe, don't bake too much. Oh, the color is cooked, be careful.