Glucose cream biscuits

2023-10-29 16:02:05COOKIE


  This little cookie, I've tasted it, it's sweet, but it's not fattening, and it's really good with raisins, sour, sweet, and sour.Tonight the World Cup is going to be the night of the champions, how can you not be moved by such a small thing?



90 grams of low-fat flour
75 grams of butter
15 grams of lemon juice
1 gram of salt
50 grams of raisins
70 grams of fine sugar
6 ml of rum
5 ml of water

How TO MADE Glucose cream biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. Grape juice marinated with 15 ml of rum more than 2 to 3 hours in advance.

2. Butter softened at room temperature, sliced and smoothed with an electric egg beater

3. Add the fine sugar and salt and continue to stir evenly.

4. Mix 1 ml of rum evenly with the egg juice, then stir the egg juice in small amounts of added butter, stirring each time completely and adding again.

Steps 5 to 8

5. It's a low-fat flour.

6. Use a silicone scraper to completely mix the butter mixture with the low-fat flour.

7. The mixed dough is placed in a bag with a circular hole and cut into pieces.

8. Squeeze small spheres with diameters of 62.5px to 75px onto a well-oiled toaster

9. The dried raisins are then placed on small round balls and placed in a 180° preheated oven.

10. Middle layer, top and bottom, roast for about 15 minutes until the surface is golden yellow.

11. After baking, remove the biscuits while they are hot, brush them evenly with lemon juice,

12. Then pour 5 ml of rum into the sugar powder, add 5 ml of water, mix evenly to form a moderately viscous rum sugar cream

13. Finally, the sugar cream can be rubbed on the surface of the cookie.

Handy cooking tips

  Note: The longer the rum is soaked in grape juice, the more aromatic it is, and if there is time, it is recommended to soak for about two days.2, if too much egg juice is added to the butter at one time, the butter cannot be absorbed, there will be a separation of water and oil, add a little egg juice, stir evenly and then add again.3, because the dough contains a lot of butter, although it is a small round ball when squeezed, but after entering the oven, the butter inside will melt immediately, thus making the biscuits spread relatively large, so when squeezing it must leave enough space for the biscuits to spread, otherwise they will stick together due to lack of space.4, the thickness of the sugar cream can be adjusted with water, if it feels sticky and not easy to apply, you can add a little more water as appropriate.5, Brush on the fruit paste and sugar cream biscuits sweet and crisp, if you like the taste lighter, you can omit the steps of applying