Margaret's cookies

2023-10-29 16:03:13COOKIE


  This cookie is one of the most zero-fail cookies for beginners, as long as the oven is working properly. OK, I bought one that can't adjust the temperature, so it's easy to black out, this time I changed the oven to a long-term temperature-controlled one, it's really good.Margaret has a rather long academic name: Miss Margaret, who lives in Stresa, Italy, and is said to be a pastry chef who fell in love with a young lady, so he made this dessert, and took the name of this young lady as the name of this French dessert.Margaret is an absolute beginner's cookie, it doesn't use a lot of tools, it doesn't need special materials, it's simple and simple in appearance, but it tastes delicious, it's a little bit like a waffle head.PS: I bought salted butter, which is supposed to be used for Western food; unsalted can be used for biscuits.



100 grams of low-fat flour
100 grams of cornstarch
100 grams of butter
Two boiled eggs.
60 grams of flour

How TO MADE Margaret's cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. A panoramic map of the material

2. Cutting butter after softening at room temperature for use.

3. It's physical activity, you need a blender to help you.

4. (Send with an egg beater, slightly enlarged in size, slightly lighter in color, enlarged)

Steps 5 to 8

5. Press the egg yolk with your fingers, squeeze the egg yolk through the sieve, and it's OK, it takes patience.

6. Strain into the spread butter and stir evenly.

7. It's a mixture of low flour and cornstarch, both of which are available at Wal-Mart.

8. I don't know why every time I go to Walmart, I can't get a block of unsalted butter.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Mix into a dough (the dough should be slightly semi-dry, not wet, and not dispersed by drying), refrigerate for one hour (wrap the dough in a preservative film and put it in the refrigerator refrigerator); divide into small doughs and mix into balls;

10. Each small ball is pressed into a biscuit shape with the palm of the hand (when pressed flat, the biscuit will appear a natural crack). Be careful to be patient.

11. Put it in a box and cook it for 15 minutes at 150 degrees, because I don't have any experience, if it's thick, cook it a little more (the edges can be slightly browned).

Handy cooking tips

  When cooking eggs, the eggs are boiled in cold water, soaked in cold water for a few minutes, and then turned on until the water boils.After boiling, boil for about eight minutes, remove and cool in cold water.The egg yolk cooked to this degree is drier and easier to pass through the sieve.The frozen dough is drier and harder, and it's easier to create beautiful cracks when you press it with your thumb.If there are no conditions, it may not be refrigerated.If you don't like the taste of butter, you can cut it in half. If you don't like the taste of butter, you can cut it in half. If you don't like the taste of butter, you can cut it in half.It's said that you can't eat it all, you can seal it and keep it, so it doesn't get wet.