Milk and honey

2023-10-29 16:03:16COOKIE


  Of course, the editor is also a member of this good eating group. Oh... In fact, you can do it yourself, and it's more reassuring, it's also super simple, except that the step of manually rubbing the ball is more troublesome, because it's a small one, the amount is more, it takes more time, its steps are relatively easy.So this is a relatively leisurely day, don't rush to eat, rub slowly, hone your patience, just take your time!



Potato starch 140 grams
Low powder 15 grams
5 grams of cornstarch
25 grams of baking powder
5 grams of flour
One egg.
25 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE Milk and honey

Steps 1 to 4

1. The eggs are mixed into an egg yolk, added fine sugar, and stirred thoroughly to sugar.

2. Screening all types of dust

3. Stir evenly and knead into a dough

4. Grind the dough into a small doughnut shape

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put it in a preheated oven at 175 degrees, medium, up and down, for 8 minutes.

6. That's enough.

Handy cooking tips

  Note: Since a large amount of starch is used in the squares, the dough will be dry and not easy to clump, so you just need to mix all the powder with the egg juice evenly, probably kneading into the shape of the dough.2, the loose dough can be kneaded by hand into a roughly circular shape.The size can be set to your liking.After the roasted chicken is completely cooled, it is better to put it in a food bag, sealed at room temperature, and take it with you, which is very convenient.