Tits and biscuits

2023-10-29 16:04:10COOKIE


  The little wolf has always loved to make biscuits, but he had just come home from school, and there were only a few biscuits in the house, so he came up with this kind of biscuits from the experience of eating snacks, in fact, in the process of making, the little wolf didn't know if he could succeed, so the moment the oven came out, accompanied by the strong smell of milk, the little wolf's biscuits succeeded, the last one was really good, bite on a bite, the outside crispy, the inside sour, the inside sweet, the sweet taste was the little wolf's favorite.If you like baking, try it too.



240 grams of low-fat flour
80 grams of butter
2 eggs (large)
70 grams of fine sugar
1 teaspoon of flour
90 grams of raisins
2 grams of salt

How TO MADE Tits and biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. The raw materials are prepared, the low-powder foam is ground in advance, the butter is cut into small pieces and softened at room temperature.

2. The black gallon is soaked in water for 20 minutes, and after soaking, the water is dried, and the black gallon can be cut into appropriate pieces.

3. The softened butter can be easily softened with your fingers, and the sugar can be added three times, stirring evenly each time.

4. The butter is smooth, slightly swollen, and lighter in color.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add the scattered eggs and stir evenly.

6. Each time you need to stir until the butter and the egg yolk are completely mixed, and then add the next time.

7. After stirring, the butter should be in a thick, smooth, delicate state, with a creamy, whitish color.

8. Added sifted low starch flour.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Mix the flour and butter with a rubber scraper and knead it into a large dough by hand.

10. The dough is divided into two parts, one of which is pressed flat on a non-sticky board, and the dough is kneaded with a dough stick into a 0.5 cm thick rectangular plate.

11. Lay the chopped black gallon evenly on the 1 2 position of the plate.

12. The remaining 1 ⁇ 2 slices are overlapped on the hexagon, and the dough is squeezed around by hand, trying to keep the air out of the middle of the slices.

Steps 13 to 16

13. The surface is flattened with a milling stick, and the shape is arranged with a scraper.

14. Use a knife to cut the slices into small, uniform pieces.

15. Cut small pieces separated by a certain distance and place them on a griddle with oil paper.

16. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Brush a layer of scattered egg juice on each face.

18. Place in a preheated oven, 180 degrees, on high and low heat, medium, 15 minutes, until the surface is golden yellow.

19. Another dough is made in the same way, and this type of biscuit can be used to make 40 small biscuits.


Handy cooking tips

  When adding 1 egg to the butter, it must be added in stages, and each time it must be stirred until the eggs and butter are completely mixed and added again.Don't be in such a hurry, or the egg oil will separate.2 liters of butter does not need to be poured.The entire stirring process can be controlled for about 5 to 6 minutes.3 Note that the black gallon must be soaked in rum or water for half an hour in advance, so that the baked taste is not bitter 4 The knife for cutting the dough must be sharp, otherwise the raisins may spread.5 cups of baked biscuits must be sealed tightly to prevent them from becoming soft.