The biscuit Christmas tree

2023-10-29 16:04:31COOKIE


  Christmas used biscuits to build her daughter an edible Christmas tree and a house full of candy gingerbread, and when she woke up in the morning, Santa gave it to her, and her daughter was surprised and said, "Santa is so talented".



250 grams of butter
Two eggs.
90 grams of flour
A few drops of herbs
Low flour 350 grams
100 grams of cornstarch
200 grams of flour
One egg.
Lemon juice in moderation
Green pigment in moderation
A moderate amount of decorative sugar

How TO MADE The biscuit Christmas tree

Steps 1 to 4

1. After softening the butter, stir until smooth.

2. Added sugar powder.

3. Add the egg juice and stir evenly.

4. Add a little vanilla extract.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The mixture of low-powder and cornstarch is sifted and mixed with a scraper.

6. Divide it into three slices, wrap it in a preservative film, and put it in the refrigerator for about half an hour.

7. (I'm big enough to make two sets of Christmas trees)

8. Frozen slices are made into thin slices with the help of a preservative film (anti-stick).

Steps 9 to 12

9. Use different sizes of star-shaped molds to cut biscuit blocks into two pieces each.

10. Cut biscuits are transferred to the grill, placed in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes, baked and then dried for cooling.

11. The protein is added to the sugar powder, stirred evenly, and a little lemon juice is added, to the point that there are clear scratches after scratching with the head of the egg.

12. Put it in a bag of flowers.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Add a few drops of green dye to some of the sugar cream and mix.

14. The viscosity of the protein sugar cream intertwines the biscuits in order from large to small.

15. The surface of the biscuit is covered with green sugar cream, decorative sugar is sprinkled, and some white sugar cream is squeezed as snow.
