Milk and chocolate cookies

2023-10-29 16:05:19COOKIE


  This milk chocolate cake was requested by a good friend, and the weather has been bad, and the finished picture doesn't look good.This was made the night before, and my son saw that I was busy, so he asked me to help.He didn't have enough to eat, so he came to help, so don't deprive him of his labor.Then I'll do the simplest model, and he won't get tired of it.



30 grams of milk
Two pieces of honey.
210 grams of flour
70 grams of pork fat
20 grams of rice flour
1 g of flour
One egg.
70 grams of flour

How TO MADE Milk and chocolate cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Ingredients: 30 grams of milk, 2 slices of honeydew chocolate, 215 grams of plain flour, 20 grams of cornstarch, 1 grams of baking powder, one egg, 70 grams of pork fat, 70 grams of sugar powder

2. Take a bowl of 30 grams of milk and two pieces of chocolate to soften the water.

3. 70 grams of pork fat and 70 grams of sugar powder

4. Pour into the beaten egg juice (to be added four times, each time to hit the egg oil does not separate can be added again)

Steps 5 to 8

5. If it sticks, stir it up.

6. Now pour in the chocolate milk and stir until it's completely absorbed.

7. Cream and eggs.

8. 215 grams of plain flour, 20 grams of cornstarch, 1 grams of baking powder for screening

Steps 9 to 12

9. Pour the finely chopped flour into the cream, mix the eggs with a rubber knife and make the dough.

10. Grind the dough into long strips, grate the dough, and put it in the oven.

11. Flattened with a rubber knife and placed in a preheated 165-degree oven for 15 hours

Handy cooking tips

  1. put the mixed dough in the refrigerator and freeze it for half an hour until it dries. 2. if there is dark chocolate, it smells better. 3. adjust the temperature of the oven according to the heat of your home.Don't leave when you're cooking. Oh, you'll get burned if you don't.My oven can't control the temperature up and down, so when it's baking, it's better to keep it under control, see if it's wrong, buy an oven later, or control the temperature up and down.