Two-tone heart-shaped cookies

2023-10-29 16:06:53COOKIE


  What's the gift of a two-colored heart if you don't send cookies at seven o'clock?



200 grams of low-fat flour
10 grams of cocoa powder
80 grams of fine sugar
2.5 ml of salt
40 grams of eggs
80 grams of butter
Powdered 2.5 ml

How TO MADE Two-tone heart-shaped cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Pour fine sugar and salt into a clean bowl.

2. Add softened butter and beat with an egg beater until fluffy.

3. Add the scattered goose eggs twice (the second is the goose eggs in the picture) and beat until the eggs and butter are completely mixed, and beat until the feeling is fluffy and light.

4. Add the low-fat flour and the baking powder to the sieve and stir evenly with a rubber scraper.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Stir well and knead into a dough.

6. Add one of the doughs to the cocoa powder and knead until completely mixed.

7. The dough is separated into 0.3 cm thick, pressed with a large heart-shaped biscuit mold and a small heart-shaped mold, matched to each other in another flavor.

8. The dishes are cooked.

9. I used 150 degrees for 10 minutes.


Handy cooking tips

  Because I used goose eggs, it's true, it's okay without goose eggs...