Cheese-flavored French fries

2023-10-29 16:07:41COOKIE


  Potatoes and cheese are the best combination! A spoonful of cheese sauce is poured on the glutinous potatoes, baked for a while, and perfectly baked.



20 small potatoes
200 grams of cheese sauce in the concentrator
80 ml of olive oil
100 grams of bacon
80 ml of sour cream
Adequate sea salt
Flowers in moderation

How TO MADE Cheese-flavored French fries

Steps 1 to 4

1. Add salt to the water, boil and put in the washed potatoes, cook for about 15 minutes until the texture is soft, the fork can be easily inserted to extract the dried water.

2. A layer of olive oil is applied to the grill and the potatoes are placed on top.

3. The potatoes are crushed and then covered with a layer of olive oil.

4. Add salt, then put in the oven 230 degrees roast for about 20 minutes until the outer skin is golden yellow.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The potatoes are baked in the oven, each put on RICOS cheese sauce, and then put back in the oven for two minutes.

6. Put it on the stove, add a spoonful of sour cream, and sprinkle it with bacon and onions.

7. Remember to eat while it's hot!

Handy cooking tips

  1. Choose small, small, easy to cook potatoes.2. Salt Choose sea salt, the taste is more flavorful.3. Cheese is made with cheese sauce in a car, so it doesn't burn.And to make the state of the sauce.It's hard to make cheese when it's cold.The cheese sauce doesn't get hard when it's cold.