A spoon that can be eaten - a golden spoon of yogurt toothpaste

2023-10-29 16:07:42COOKIE


  When your baby starts to grow teeth, you'll think about using toothpaste cookies.But the products on the market inevitably have all sorts of additives.It's safer to make your own toothbrush than to do it yourself.The spoon-shaped cookies, the baby can hold them and eat them, and the spoon can be eaten with the yogurt, haha!



110 grams of low-fat flour
10 grams of sugar
40 grams of butter
35 grams of yogurt

How TO MADE A spoon that can be eaten - a golden spoon of yogurt toothpaste

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparation of food.

2. The butter is first softened at room temperature, and the yogurt can be measured a little more if it is thick.

3. Prepare the pan and put the oil paper on it.

4. The eggs only take the yolk.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The low-fat flour is sifted into the dough, then poured into the sugar, mixed evenly.

6. Put the softened butter in the powder, rub the flour and butter into sand grains by hand, grasp it evenly, be careful not to melt the oil by hand.

7. Pour the yogurt into the bowl, cut it evenly with a scraper, and if the dough is a little dry, add a little more yogurt.

8. Use your hands to knead the dough smoothly, but do not knead the dough too hard, so that the dough does not stiffen.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Divide the big dough into a small dough, you can divide it a little bit, mine is a little bit bigger.

10. You can use the tiger's mouth to squeeze the dough, to squeeze the head of the spoon, a bit like squeezing a fish ball, be careful not to squeeze it...

11. Then rub the spoon with your hand, rub it as evenly as possible, rub it a little thinner (preferably thinner than in the picture), and process the small noodles into a large hammer shape.

12. You can start preheating the oven when you rub it.

13. Then you put a hammer on the grill, and you use your thumb to press the top of the spoon, and you squeeze it in, and you form a spoon.

14. Then use a toothpick to put a little eye on the tail, so it's more like a spoon!

15. Finally, I brushed a layer of egg yolk on the surface of the spoon, and I brushed it to the middle of the spoon, making a gradual catch-up.

16. In fact, if you don't want the color to look good, you don't have to brush the eggs, because when the eggs are cooked, they accumulate in the spoon, and the spoon is not concave enough.

17. The oven is heated to 160 degrees, placed in the middle layer of the oven, and baked for 15-20 minutes.

18. Finally, you can cool it a little in the oven and take it out again, it'll be a little crisper.

Handy cooking tips

  1. finger food can not only develop the ability of the baby to eat alone, but also can promote the development of the baby's eye-hand coordination and fine hand movements; 2. babies who are allergic to egg yolk should not brush the egg juice; 3. the spoon can be made a little smaller, because after baking it will swell a little, the shape will not be perfect!