No oven - a lot of soft biscuits

2023-10-29 16:11:17COOKIE


  It's a little bit of love for both young and old, but it's designed according to the taste of the European-American population, and it's really sweet... For health reasons, it's better to make a low-fat, low-sugar version yourself.Following in the footsteps of the previous potato crackers, I've also written a plate/electric cake version, so those of you who don't have an oven can do it too!



160 grams of low-fat flour
50 grams of red or white sugar
40 grams of butter
One egg.
30 grams of milk
30 grams of baked chocolate beans
10 grams of cocoa powder
3 grams of flour
1 g of herbs (no added)

How TO MADE No oven - a lot of soft biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. The butter is softened at room temperature and mixed with screened low-fat flour, sugar, baking powder, and cocoa powder.

2. Add the eggs, boil the milk, boil the vanilla, and stir evenly with a scraper (I made twice as much, so there are two eggs in the picture).

3. Baked chocolate beans added to the mixture.

4. Note: Chocolate beans should be baked in a high-temperature baking version, ordinary chocolate beans will melt at high temperatures.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Oven version: the dough is scooped onto a baking tray covered with baking paper and gently pressed into a round cake shape.

6. Flat-bottomed saucepan/cake bells: apply a moderate amount of oil to the bottom of the flat-bottomed saucepan or cake bells, use a small spoon to put the dough in and form a round cake shape.

7. Oven version: Oven preheated, 180°C middle layer for about 10 minutes.

8. Flat-bottomed pot/electric cake version: minimum fire, baked on opposite sides for about 3 minutes (electric cake bells should not be attached to the top plate, only use the bottom plate to heat, to avoid crushing the cookies)


Handy cooking tips

  1. Chocolate beans must be baked at high temperatures, otherwise they will turn into chocolate water in the oven.2. Cookies that cannot be eaten can be stored in sealed containers to prevent moisture absorption.3. Soft biscuits should not be cooked for too long, it is better to cook in the oven for 10 to 12 minutes in a flat pan/electric bell for 5 to 8 minutes, too long will make the moisture evaporate and the biscuits crisp and hard.A little knowledge about cookies Cookies, derived from the English COOKIE, is a Cantonese subtitle imported from Hong Kong In the United States and Canada, cookies are interpreted as small, flat, egg-shaped biscuits, while in English COOKIE comes from the German koekje, meaning small, egg-shaped biscuits.Chocolate bean biscuits appeared in the United States in the early 19th century, after which they quickly became the most popular biscuits.It is based on a modified version of the cookie, and has a soft, creamy, and sweet flavor.