No oven - French fries and soft biscuits

2023-10-29 16:11:55COOKIE


  Soft biscuits are a type of biscuits, which differ from ordinary biscuits in that they are crispy and soft, which is one of the biggest characteristics of soft biscuits, which are sold in the market.Potatoes are the hallmark of the autumn-winter festival: roasted potatoes on the streets, fried potato balls, and potato cakes that fly for tens of miles, making it especially happy to eat on a cold day.Today's snack is a combination of sweet potatoes + soft biscuits, and you can also try the pan/electric bell cake.



50 grams of flour
150 grams of potatoes
One egg.
30 grams of butter
30 grams of red or white sugar
Dried 30 grams
2 grams of flour
1 drop of herbs (no need to add)

How TO MADE No oven - French fries and soft biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. The potatoes are washed, separated from the water, boiled, crushed into potato paste for backup.

2. The potato paste is added to other ingredients and mixed with a scraper to keep the paste from falling off.

3. Note: The starch content of marketed sweet potatoes varies slightly, and if the dough is too thick, water may be added as desired.

4. Oven version: use a small spoon to squeeze the dough onto a pan covered with grease paper, leaving a certain distance between the dough to prevent sticking together.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Flat-bottomed pot/electric cake version: Brush a moderate amount of oil in the pot, use a small spoon to squeeze the dough into the pot.

6. Oven version: Oven preheated, 180°C middle layer for about 12 minutes.

7. Flat-bottomed pot/electric biscuit version: minimum fire, baked on opposite sides for about 3 minutes (do not hold the electric biscuits on the top plate, only heat them with the bottom plate to avoid crushing the biscuits)

8. The surface of the biscuit turns golden yellow and is removed to dry.


Handy cooking tips

  It is a compound peeling agent, also known as peeling powder, peeling powder, peeling powder, peeling powder, peeling powder, peeling powder, peeling powder.It is best to use an aluminum-free formula, which is healthier and less harmful to the human body.2 soft biscuits should not be baked for too long, 10 to 12 minutes in the oven, 5 to 8 minutes in a flat pan/electric biscuit, too long will make the moisture evaporate and the biscuits crisp and hard.Here are some tips for baking the following biscuits: 1 Set the oven to the baking temperature 10 minutes in advance (the larger the oven, the longer the preheating time), let the oven reach the required baking temperature in advance, so that the biscuits can be baked as soon as they are placed in the oven, otherwise the baked biscuits are hard and dry, affecting the taste Most of the biscuits are baked over a large fire at a low temperature.If the oven cannot control the heat, the biscuits can be baked at an average temperature.When the finished product has reached its color effect and nine points of ripeness, the fire can be turned off using the residual heat to dry the moisture in the form of lime.If the biscuits still do not have a crispy taste after cooling in the oven, they can be baked for a few more minutes at 150 °C.General biscuits are baked for 25 to 30 minutes, and if the color is too light, it may be necessary to randomly add more time and adjust the temperature.