Potato cheesecake

2023-10-29 16:12:20COOKIE





One potato.
Half an onion
After ten slices of ham
A little olive oil
A little tomato sauce
2.5 grams of salt
3 grams of black pepper powder
2 grams of rolled meat
120 grams of cheese

How TO MADE Potato cheesecake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Put half an onion and a potato evenly sliced into a bowl

2. Put the cheese slices or slices aside as a backup, put in the sliced potato onion silk 1g of black pepper powder, crushed olive oil and salt mix evenly, finally put in the sliced cheese silk mix, the cheese silk can be rubbed with both hands if the mixture is not good, so that the cheese silk and the onion potato silk mix evenly.

3. Put half of the mixed onion and potato cheese on a plate, (in this case I use an 8-inch plate, which can be replaced with other plates) in a layer of tomato sauce, and put a layer of ham on top of the tomato sauce.

4. Put the remaining half of the onion and potato silk on the ham.

Steps 5 to 8

5. After laying, lay another layer of sliced cheese slices, if you like cheese, you can add a little more, and then spread the rollers in the middle.

6. Finally, put a little ham decoration on top, which can be left out depending on personal preference.

7. The oven is preheated at 190 to 200 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes.

8. Very fragrant