The durian biscuit

2023-10-29 16:12:21COOKIE


  When making eggs, the little master's durian mud was too much, so he temporarily decided to make durian-flavored biscuits.The taste of durian is strong... the gospel of the little companion who likes to eat durian.



195 grams of durian
300 grams of butter
500 grams of flour
50 grams of sugar
60 grams of milk powder

How TO MADE The durian biscuit

Steps 1 to 4

1. Step 1: Cut the butter into small pieces and put it in the egg-making bowl.

2. Step two; put the sugar in the butter and reserve it.

3. Step three: use a blender to blend into a picture style.

4. Step 4: Pour the durian paste into the butter and stir evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Step 5: Sift the low-grade flour into the butter.

6. Step six: Add the milk powder through a sieve, and then stir evenly into a dough with a scraper.

7. Step seven: Forget about the uniformly mixed dough, the picture is the shape of a small cookie pressed out of a mold, a very cute little cookie.

8. Step 8: Preheat the oven 170 degrees for 10 minutes, put the biscuits in the oven for 25-30 minutes (depending on the temper of the oven).

Steps 9 to 12

9. Step nine: the fragrance of the durian, and the lovely durian biscuits are done... good to eat.

Handy cooking tips

  Durian paste is made from the flesh of the durian with milk and melted butter: the durian with milk is mixed evenly in a blender and then added to the melted butter (one egg yolk is added to the butter).