The biscuit sandwich.

2023-10-29 16:15:02COOKIE


  I didn't expect the digestive cookies to be so delicious, the thick grain flavor, the crispy taste, to make you want to eat.Cookies are used to make cakes, basically wooden cups, heavy cheese cakes, and decorations with cookies.I wanted to do something new and creative, and this cookie sandwich was born with a grain-based digestive cookie with coffee juice on the outside and a hard-bodied tiramisu cake paste on the inside.It's delicious to taste after a night in the fridge.The biscuits absorb the moisture of the coffee juice and the cake paste and become soft, the inside filling is rich and smooth, the outside skin is soft and sweet, and eating such a biscuit sandwich directly with your hand is one of the great pleasures of life.The only downside is that it's not easy to make, and it took me a lot of work to make it.



10 pieces of delicious biscuits
Cheese and butter 150
Light cream 150
White sugar 40
One piece of gelatin
One packet of instant coffee
Ten slices of the creamy cookie.
Milk and dairy 20

How TO MADE The biscuit sandwich.

Steps 1 to 4

1. Take the cheese in a saucepan, add 20 grams of sugar, and steam until the cheese is soft, which takes about 7 to 8 minutes.

2. Take 20 grams of milk and soak it in gelatin.

3. The softened cream cheese is stirred smoothly, poured into the soaked milk gelatin solution, and continued to be distilled for three to four minutes until the gelatin is completely melted.

4. The left hand wears a heat-insulating glove to support the small bowl, the right hand uses an egg to stir the cake paste until it is smooth and without particles, then closes the fire, takes out the bowl containing the cake paste, puts it in a cold water bowl to cool, while cooling and stirring to prevent the peel.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Egg cream with 20 grams of sugar.

6. Add the whipped cream to the cheese paste that has cooled to hand temperature and stir evenly.

7. Take a hard plastic mousse cake circle, wrap it around the edge of the digested biscuit, and glue the interface with transparent tape to form a plastic mousse circle.

8. Take a packet of instant coffee, add a little water bubble to the coffee liquid, and evenly brush the inside of the digested biscuit with a layer of coffee liquid.

Steps 9 to 12

9. One side of the cookie with the coffee juice is placed upwards into the mousse circle, squeezed into a cake paste about 2 cm thick, and then covered with another cookie, which has the coffee juice downwards on top.

10. When all the biscuit sandwiches are ready, put them in the refrigerator and refrigerate them overnight, take them out and unwrap them in a mousse circle.

11. You can also insert a mini-cookie on either side, and you've got a cute little bear.
