Cranberry seeds

2023-10-29 16:15:20COOKIE





170 grams of low-fat flour
100 grams of flour
50 grams of cranberries
20 grams of coconut
85 grams of butter
10 grams of egg juice
20 grams of milk

How TO MADE Cranberry seeds

Steps 1 to 4

1. The butter is softened in the enlarged bowl. 2. Add the sugar powder to stir evenly. 3. Add the mixed cranberry silk and coconut silk. 4. Add the egg juice, which can be added in stages. 4. Add the low-fat flour and milk, in stages, add the milk, add the low-fat flour, and finish with the low-fat flour.

2. It's all about the car block.

3. Use baking paper to make a circle or a square, the size can be determined by yourself (using baking paper you can not get your hands dirty) 7. Wrap with a preservative film, put in the refrigerator and freeze for 40 minutes, a little hard is fine.

4. (Baking paper is also fine, but the preservative is thinner) 8. Preheat the oven in advance. 9. Take it out of the refrigerator in slices, not too thin. 10. Put it in a preheated oven and bake at 165 degrees for about 15 minutes.

5. Note: The degree of roasting can be seen to see what flavor you like.

6. You can open the oven at any time to look at it, the bottom of the biscuit will be baked first, with a little bit of charcoal you can cook it, this is the top is light in color, the taste is more juicy, there is a sandy feeling, you can eat the taste of coconut.

7. If you like it crispy, you can add some time, turn it over, both sides are baked, this time it is especially crispy, relatively less tasty than the previous one.

8. But it's also delicious.

Handy cooking tips

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