Grapefruit biscuits

2023-10-29 16:17:34COOKIE


  Cookie beginners, based on the cranberry cookie recipe.There are no cranberries in the house, so I just replaced them with raisins.



115 grams of low-fat flour
15 ml of whole egg liquid
75 grams of butter
A small handful of raisins
35 grams of flour

How TO MADE Grapefruit biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. If the butter is slow to soften at room temperature, it can be melted with low heat insulation, it must be waterproof.

2. This raisin tastes good.

3. When the waterproofing melts the butter, scatter the eggs, and recommend this mini-egg maker, which is quickly useful.

4. Mix the melted butter and sugar without stirring.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add a slightly smaller grapefruit

6. Add low-flour mixture.

7. If you're afraid your hands are too greasy, it's advisable to take a fresh bag and put it in it and continue mixing until all the ingredients are completely mixed.

8. Crush it, freeze it in the fridge for an hour, then take it out and put it on a plate.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Because the first time you try it, you don't care if it looks good or bad.

10. The oven is heated and baked at 165 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes.

11. The snacks didn't wait, they kept the oven.

12. Before baking, there was a little bit of egg yolk left, so I brushed it on top of the cookie, so it's a little bit darker.

13. Don't do that next time.