Cranberry cookies

2023-10-29 16:29:17COOKIE


  The biscuits are sour, sweet, fragrant, ready to eat, beginners can give them to their friends and parents, and babies love to eat them.



120 grams of low-fat flour
80 grams of butter
40 grams of flour
One egg yolk
A little bit of salt
Two drops of perfume
Dried cranberries 10 grams

How TO MADE Cranberry cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. The butter is softened for a while, weighed, 80 g of butter, 40 g of powdered sugar, 120 g of low-fat flour and one egg yolk.

2. Stir evenly with a scraper, and make a smooth, even dough (in winter it is recommended to stir directly by hand, as it is easier to heat hands and make dough)

3. 10 g of dried cranberries, cut with scissors.

4. Spread the dried cranberries evenly over the dough, and then stir until the dried cranberries are evenly distributed.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Cut the right-sized oil paper or preservative into rectangular wooden moulds

6. Put the good dough in the mold, press it as flat as possible with a spoon, so that the biscuits have a nice, neat shape.

7. The dough can be baked with the bottom of the dough stick.

8. Put in the refrigerator freezer and freeze for 15 minutes. If you can freeze in a hurry, take out the mold after five minutes, and it will freeze directly a little faster.

Steps 9 to 12

9. After freezing, it is removed and cut into pieces of about 5 mm.

10. Put them neatly on the oil paper and put them in the oven.

11. It can be baked at 180 degrees for about 10 minutes.

12. The power of the oven also varies in time. Oh, the surface of the cookie starts to color almost the same.

13. If you're dressed up, you can give it to someone.

Handy cooking tips

  1 teaspoon of cranberry juice can also be used with grapefruit, cherry juice and other favorite fruit juices instead of 2 teaspoons of biscuit embryos when put in the baking tray, the biscuit gap should be left larger, because when baking it will also swell out.