Small fireworks

2023-10-29 16:29:42COOKIE


  The biscuits are divided into black sugar date biscuits and sweet ginger egg butter biscuits, a warm dessert prepared for the mother to go hiking.The warmest ingredient in winter, made into round biscuits, like small flames, hoping to warm the people around them.



45 grams of dates
40 grams of ground turmeric
50 grams of butter
60 grams of yogurt
15 grams of flour
100 grams of low-fat flour
One egg yolk.
Red sugar 10 grams

How TO MADE Small fireworks

Steps 1 to 4

1. Sweet ginger, sweet dates are slowly ground into clay (powder), slowly, enjoy the process of grinding.

2. Butter softening at room temperature

3. Butter and sugar powder, stirred to a feather-like texture.

4. Sieve it into a low-fat powder, stir slowly and evenly until it feels soft and soft like cookie crumbs.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Divide it by two.

6. One, add date pulp and red sugar, mix and add 30 g of yogurt, mix by hand into balls; the other, add crushed egg butter and ginger, mix and add 30 g of yogurt, mix balls.

7. Separately placed in a preservative bag, rotated into an empty container of unused preservative film, refrigerated for one hour.

8. Cut it to the thickness you want with a knife.

9. After preheating the oven, first bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes, then bake at 210 degrees for 5 minutes, then bake at 230 degrees for 1 minute, then bake at 180 degrees for 5 minutes.

10. Attention! The last 5 minutes should be adjusted according to the situation, don't wait until it's cooked and then take it out.

11. You guys are cute.

Handy cooking tips

  The dates and ginger powder are self-grinding, so it tastes very granular when eaten.