The Gingerbread House

2023-10-29 16:30:05COOKIE


  The annual Christmas is coming up, and I've seen a lot of people busy with Christmas-themed food, and I've followed the wind to make a gingerbread house, with two snowmen guarding the house and a Christmas tree in front of the door, as if to add a little bit to the holiday.



500 grams of low-fat flour
100 grams of eggs
100 grams of butter
50 grams of red sugar
60 grams of honey
30 grams of ginger juice
20 grams of flour
Two eggs.
Lemon juice in moderation

How TO MADE The Gingerbread House

Steps 1 to 4

1. Melted butter, sugar and honey, sugar powder 20 g, stir until melted

2. Add the ginger juice, the eggs and then sift through all the powder and mix evenly.

3. A little more stirring will make the biscuits stronger.

4. Draw a 1:1 house puzzle in advance with your own drawings.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The dough is cut into small pieces and placed on a large base skin with a fork socket to prevent it from bulging during baking.

6. Then the walls and the roof were carved out, and the windows were carved into the walls, and the front walls were carved out.

7. Another piece of leather, a Christmas tree cookie mold, a Christmas tree, a fence, a chimney part

8. Place the chopped skin in a preheated oven, bake it on 170 degrees, lower it to 150 degrees, bake for 20 minutes.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The egg whites are mixed with sugar powder, and the egg whites are beaten very thick and strong, and the egg whites have sharp corners, and if you feel too thick and thick, you can use lemon juice to adjust the degree to slide like a ribbon.

10. First squeeze the sugar cream in the right place on the base, then glue the walls, glue the door.

11. After the walls are dried, the roof is glued on and the chimney is installed.

12. The roof, the chimney, and the white sugar cream.

Steps 13 to 16

13. A fence was attached to the base, a dark yellow sugar cream was drawn in front of the door, and a Christmas tree was attached to the side of the road.

14. Two snowmen in front of the door with cream

15. Finally, sprinkle sugar powder on the roof, in the garden, and on the Christmas tree.