Sugared biscuits

2023-10-29 16:30:10COOKIE


  Let's pray that the sun will always be warm, that the winter will never be long, that the earth will be healthy, that everyone will have a home...



130 grams of flour
A little vanilla powder
A little powder.
30 grams of coconut
50 grams of quick-drying powder
50 grams of vegetable oil
One egg.
30 grams of soy sauce
A few.
A little hand powder.
White sugar 15 grams
A moderate amount of sugar

How TO MADE Sugared biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. Add white sugar to vegetable oil and stir evenly.

2. Pour into the powder and stir evenly.

3. Pour it into the eggs and stir until white.

4. It is poured into a saucepan and stirred evenly to form a thin paste.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Powder in the sieve.

6. Grinding into a soft dough, depending on the water absorption of the flour, adding and reducing the amount of flour, the softness of the dough and the soy sauce filling are equivalent.

7. The dough is loose for 15 minutes, kneaded into a 3-4mm rectangle (the dough is too soft, folded three times), placed in half on the soy sauce filling, kneaded evenly, leaving some space on the edges.

8. The face is folded and squeezed.

Steps 9 to 12

9. It's about 3 mm thick.

10. Spread a layer of sugar on the surface and squeeze it slightly with your hand or a doughnut.

11. The shape is pressed out with a mold and poured into a baking tray, and if it is soft, a scraper can be used to help move it (the remaining sheets can be held together and pressed again, they look bad, the taste does not change).

12. 12. Decorate the cabbage (you can make traces first, bake it well and then decorate it, the cabbage is easy to bake, the surface is perforated with small holes to prevent the drum) and put it in a preheated oven at 160 degrees, the middle layer for about 20 minutes, harden the bottom to turn yellow.


Handy cooking tips

  1 tablespoon of starch powder is used to eliminate stocks, replace it with coconut oil and add 20 g of white sugar.Vegetable oils are preferably odorless.Since I haven't been out to buy raw materials lately, I'm using what I have at home, so it's good to eliminate some stocks.