Hawaiian almond cookies

2023-10-29 16:30:26COOKIE


  It's my favorite snack, but I haven't eaten it for a long time to lose weight, these kids come home from school always saying they're hungry, every time they bake cookies they always ask to take them to school, so during this time I basically bake cookies every day, the kids don't like to eat almonds, this time I made almonds into cookies, both good looking and good to eat, oh hip hip, accidentally let the kids add nuts



Low powder 150 grams
50 grams of rice flour
70 grams of milk powder
40 grams of white sugar
35 grams of milk
One gram of baking soda
50 grams of almonds

How TO MADE Hawaiian almond cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Mix softened butter and sugar powder evenly without spreading

2. Milk melted soda powder, poured into butter, stirred evenly

3. Sift into low flour and rice flour and knead by hand

4. Divide it into 15 grams and put it on a grill.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Press the almonds on the biscuits

6. Brush the egg yolk on the surface

7. Put in the oven, bake for 10 minutes at 160 degrees, use the remaining heat for 10 minutes after turning off.

8. Refrigerated food

Handy cooking tips

  Don't bother with the third step.After pressing the two almonds, there will be a small crack, it's okay, if the crack is too big, you can squeeze it a little bit with your hand.