Margaret's cookies

2023-10-29 16:30:55COOKIE


  Margaret, it's a delicious snack for young and old, and it's easy to make, and if you like it, you can try it.



100 grams of low-fat flour
100 grams of cornstarch
100 grams of unsalted butter
One boiled egg.
1 gram of salt
40 grams of white sugar

How TO MADE Margaret's cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. The butter is softened and added to the white sugar 2-3 times. Stir evenly.

2. The cooked egg yolk is crushed and poured into 1. Stir evenly

3. Add salt, low flour, cornstarch, and stir evenly.

4. After stirring, knead into a dough

Steps 5 to 8

5. Grind the good dough, take out a small dough, rub it in a circle, and then press it with your thumb.

6. Baking in an uncontrolled oven at about 220 degrees can only be baked in two batches, constantly staring at the first, lower layer, baking for 6 minutes

7. Top, bake for three or four minutes, color to golden yellow is OK.

Handy cooking tips

  Usually with a temperature-controlled oven, preheat the middle layer to 170 degrees for 15-20 minutes.