The Gingerbread House

2023-10-29 16:31:48COOKIE


  I'm envious of what other bakeries are doing, and I wish I had one of my own, designed according to my dream house... just for me.



500 grams of flour
100 grams of butter
60 grams of water
50 grams of red sugar powder
100 grams of flour
70 grams of honey
Eggs 60 grams
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder (2.5 ml)
Ginger powder 2 teaspoons (10 ml)
Doing the right amount of sugar
300 grams of flour
40 grams of egg whites
10 ml of lemon juice

How TO MADE The Gingerbread House

Steps 1 to 4

1. Design drawings, your own dream house

2. Cut the pieces down one by one.

3. All the gingerbread ingredients are available.

4. Mix all the gingerbread ingredients together in a large bowl and knead evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The dough is kneaded so that the surface is smooth.

6. Then preserve the dough with a preservative film and refrigerate for one hour in the refrigerator.

7. Take out the refrigerated loose dough, knead it to a thickness of 0.3 cm, and then start cutting the parts.

8. After cutting the parts, carefully relax for 20 minutes.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The oven is preheated at 180 degrees.

10. The house parts are forked through a few holes with a fork, set for 20 minutes, and placed in the middle layer of the oven for about 15 minutes.

11. You can get it cold by roasting it to your favorite color.

12. A plate that can't be finished, slowly put all the parts and the base together.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Cold and cold

14. At this time, the egg yolk and sugar powder are mixed into a sticky protein cream, and the house is built.

15. In the beginning, it was to adhere to the house, so the protein cream was more sticky, the decoration of the roof behind the snow could be thinner, (if you want some thinner with lemon juice, you can do it) the best sugar cream was put in a flower bag, minus a small hole.

16. Because my house is big, I baked two bases.

Steps 17 to 20

17. The first wall, when glued to it, should be supported so that it is firmly attached to the second wall.

18. Protein creams are also used between the walls, one for fixation and the other to hide uneven edges.

19. The sticky parts can be applied to the sugar cream.

20. It's like a craft.

Steps 21 to 24

21. Glue all the walls and then the roof.

22. The roof needs to be glued one piece at a time, and then another piece after it's firm.

23. The best part of the house is that you can do whatever you want with the decorations.

24. Once all the parts are glued together, you can make the desired snow scenery.

25. The walls of the house can play paintings

26. Make all sorts of decorations

27. Sprinkled with sugar powder.

28. my dream house

29. Completed

30. Whoa, whoa.