Quick low-calorie snack with oatmeal cookies

2023-10-29 16:33:11COOKIE


  Oats are rich in vitamins, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, and manganese, and are effective in lowering blood pressure, lowering blood lipids, and weight loss.Low-calorie, high-fiber, full-bodied oatmeal is a great choice for healthy weight loss and fat loss.This cookie I'm using is whole wheat flour, it's very filling, it's perfect for drinks.It can be served with yogurt for breakfast or as an afternoon tea.Dedicated to all the foodie sisters on the road to weight loss



180 grams of cooked rice
One egg.
Oil (without flavor) 10 grams
45 grams of honey
20 grams of milk powder
25 grams of white sugar (or red sugar)

How TO MADE Quick low-calorie snack with oatmeal cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. It is called red sugar, honey, oil, milk powder, oatmeal.

2. Scattered eggs.

3. (It's like fried eggs.)

4. Add red sugar, honey, and olive oil to the egg yolk, stirring evenly.

5. Mix the milk powder with the wheat flour, pour the mixed liquid into the mixed oat flour, and stir evenly again.

6. The oven is preheated at 180 degrees.

7. Dig a spoonful of oatmeal mixture and hold it tightly in your hand.

8. Pressed into a circle with the back of the hand.

9. Pay attention to thickness and uniformity.

10. Put it in the oven.

11. 160 degrees and 20 minutes.

12. Fire up and down.

13. (Self-adjusted time according to the temperament of the ovens)

Handy cooking tips

  1. white sugar or red sugarYou can do it.Chinese medicine believes that red sugar-like sweet-tasting glyphosate enters the spleen, has a beneficial role in replenishing the blood, healing the spleen, warming the stomach, relieving pain, and reviving blood clotting.And the cookies with the red sugar have a different flavor, and I prefer the red sugar.2. The choice of oil should be tasteless, such as corn oil.Of course, softened butter is better.But here we don't need butter to pursue fast hands and low cards.