Fingers and white chocolate bars

2023-10-29 16:33:34COOKIE





Low flour 50 grams
25 grams of white chocolate
14 grams of whole eggs
20 grams of flour
25 grams of butter
A moderate amount of pearl sugar
Powdered 0.2 teaspoons

How TO MADE Fingers and white chocolate bars

Steps 1 to 4

1. The butter is melted at room temperature, sugar powder is added, and the egg is beaten until it is slightly white.

2. Add the scattered egg yolk.

3. Add the scattered egg yolk.

4. Stir evenly

Steps 5 to 8

5. Screening low powder and blowing powder

6. After stirring, knead into a smooth dough

7. Cut the dough into thin slices

8. Small rectangular blocks of the same size

Steps 9 to 12

9. Rub them into long strips by hand.

10. Put it in the oven

11. 180 degrees for 15 minutes

12. Put the white chocolate in a bowl, put one of the waterproof melted biscuits in the bowl, turn around, and put the white chocolate on it.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Then sprinkle the right amount of colored sugar beads in a cup and dry them.

Handy cooking tips

  When 1 teaspoon of white chocolate is melting, stirring it constantly with a chopstick will make the chocolate melt faster.2 colored sugar beads sprinkled on top by hand to prevent them from sticking together.