My fairy tale - the Christmas gingerbread house

2023-10-29 16:33:54COOKIE


  Every child has their own fairy-tale cabin in their heart, so when Christmas comes, build a gingerbread house and make your fairy-tale dreams come true!



Protein sugar cream - anti-moisture sugar powder 300 grams
Protein and sugar cream - 1.5 proteins
Gingerbread house - 250 grams of sugar powder
Gingerbread house - 280 grams of butter
500 grams of plain flour
Decorations - two bags of chocolate beans
Gingerbread house - 80 ml of malt sugar
5 grams of colored sugar beads
Gingerbread house - gold syrup 120 ml
Protein cream - a few drops of food coloring
Gingerbread house - 2 teaspoons of coffee powder
Gingerbread - two tablespoons of ginger powder
50 grams of anti-snow powder

How TO MADE My fairy tale - the Christmas gingerbread house

Steps 1 to 4

1. Design the drawings of the gingerbread house, cut the hardboard to the size of the drawings for backup

2. Start making gingerbread roof panels, soften the butter and add fine sugar to stir until feathery

3. Add the golden syrup and malt sugar and stir evenly.

4. The powder (flour, gingerbread flour, curry flour) is mixed evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. After grinding, place the bag in the refrigerator for one hour.

6. Remove the dough from the refrigerator in small portions

7. The dough is wrapped in oily paper, covered with a preservative film, placed in a plate, refrigerated, frozen for 20 minutes, and removed.

8. In the refrigerator, freeze-dried slices are cut with a knife to the size of a tailored hardboard.

Steps 9 to 12

9. After painting brick patterns on the roof panels, bake in the oven, preheat at 200 degrees, bake for 10 minutes.

10. When the pan is cooked, use a knife to separate the excess parts from the mold while the heat is still slightly soft.

11. Let the plate harden and then dry in the oven net (if the conditions are right, it will be stronger overnight)

12. Start making protein sugar cream: add a few drops of lemon juice, stir until the foam is thick, add 1/5 of the sugar powder, continue stirring until the foam is white, add the remaining sugar powder, continue stirring, stirring evenly, then divide twice down into the remaining sugar powder, stirring until the liquid can remain on the surface of the protein cream.

Steps 13 to 16

13. In a small bowl, pour the protein sugar cream, add the pigment to the color, and then pour it into a disposable flower bag to adjust the color you need.

14. Graffiti decorations are attached to the walls with protein-sugar cream.

15. The gingerbread house begins to be assembled: the walls are glued on all four sides and then objects such as bottles are supported on all four sides for about 15 minutes to make them stick together.

16. After the four walls are solid, the supports are removed, and finally the roof is glued together, and the chimney is removed from the roof with rubber sugar and placed in the decorated Santa Claus.

17. Apply the remaining sugar cream to the outdoor snow scene and then decorate the exterior (Christmas trees, etc.) with a sieve to make a moisture-resistant sugar cream after the snow, and have a merry Christmas!

Handy cooking tips

  "This type of biscuit has a large amount of oil, it is easier to cut after freezing, if it is softened during production, continue to put it back in the refrigerator after freezing, continue to operate 2 tables do not get too thick, especially the roof, too thick because of its own gravity problem, it is not easy to stick 3 tables baking large plates when observing the edge of the biscuit appears slightly burnt yellow, at this time the biscuit is slightly softened, the time of grinding is flat and cut evenly separated, then dried to dry so that the plate does not turn hard, the plate does not turn hard, otherwise it is easy to deformation affect the later assembly 4 tables large small and decorative parts do not grate a baking oven, otherwise there is no small 5 tables baking protein powder powder powder powder powder powder powder powder will gradually reduce the foam, if the tower does not have lemon powder powder can be replaced hard, pay attention to tight moisture production"6 Gingerbread house decoration Please feel free to use your imagination, but please note that the materials used should be both edible or edible.The gingerbread house can be preserved as an artwork for a long time (one to two years) without being eaten.