Margaret's little cookie

2023-10-29 16:35:25COOKIE





180 grams of low-fat flour
180 grams of cornstarch
100 grams of butter
Two boiled eggs.
30 grams of powdered sugar
1 gram of salt

How TO MADE Margaret's little cookie

Steps 1 to 4

1. Two cooked eggs are sifted with a sieve.

2. The butter is softened by adding sugar powder and salt, and I'm melting the waterproofing, because the weather is too long to melt at room temperature.

3. The butter is poured in this way and added to the prepared egg yolk to stir evenly.

4. Then add the sifted flour and cornstarch and knead into a dough.

Steps 5 to 8

5. A friendly tip is that the dough should be slightly dry, otherwise the final biscuit will be too loose and not easy to form.

6. Put the mixed dough in the refrigerator for half an hour.

7. (I'm just too wet, the last cookie is loose and not in shape.)

8. It's easy to eat.

9. )

10. After half an hour, take the dough out of the refrigerator, grind it into a small circle, and then press it directly into the grill with your thumb, which should form a natural crack (my one is slightly wet, so there are no scratches).

11. Put in a preheated oven at 170 degrees for about 20 minutes, observe the color slightly golden yellow, cool and remove from the oven.

12. It's still a very fragrant butter flavor, it's just that I'm not dry enough when I knead it, so it's a little loose, I can make it better.

13. I hope you all like it.


Handy cooking tips

  If the dough is not dry enough after kneading, add the flour and cornstarch according to the situation, otherwise the biscuits will not form because they are too soft.