Red sugar almond cookies

2023-10-29 16:36:25COOKIE


  This fragrant red sugar cookie is perfect for us women.Red sugar is unrefined raw sugar that retains more vitamins and minerals.Red sugar contains carotenoids, nucleic acids, nicotinic acids, amino acids, and glucose, which have antioxidant and protective effects on skin cells.Red sugar also has a magical sweetness component that has a powerful interpretation function, which can remove excess melanin from the skin layer and play a role in skin care.



40 grams of butter
10 grams of sesame oil
40 grams of red sugar
One egg.
45 grams of almonds
Low powder 135 grams

How TO MADE Red sugar almond cookies

1. Butter is cut into small pieces and softened at room temperature.

2. Use an egg beater to loosen the hair.

3. Red sugar is pre-pressed with a round tablespoon until there are no large particles to be seen.

4. Because red sugar is easy to clump.

5. Add the pressed red sugar to the spread butter and stir evenly with the egg beater.

6. Add the egg juice several times, adding once each, stirring evenly with the egg beater.

7. This prevents red sugar clots.

8. Add low powder and stir with a stirring stick.

9. Add 10 grams of sesame oil and stir.

10. Add the almond slices and stir.

11. The dough is wrapped in a preservative film, and the dough is shaped.

12. Put in a biscuit mold and freeze for 1 hour.

13. Remove, slice, 5 mm thick flakes

14. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees.

15. Middle layer, 25 minutes

Handy cooking tips

  Red sugar is too easy to clump.It can be squeezed with a spoon on one side, or it can be sifted.I don't like trouble, so I bake it with a little black dot, and the black dot is red sugar.Personally, I think it adds a sense of simplicity to this cookie.