Onion and soda biscuits

2023-10-29 16:36:43COOKIE


  This is the first soda cookie I've made since I got the oven, and it's made specifically for my baby, and it's a little bit salty, and it's good for kids to eat.I don't advocate for children to eat sweets.



150 grams of low-fat flour
80 grams of warm milk
40 grams of vegetable oil
2 grams of salt
2 small onions
One gram of baking soda
3 grams of yeast

How TO MADE Onion and soda biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare the ingredients first.

2. The yeast is poured into the warm milk to neutralize it.

3. Vegetable oils and salts added to low-powder soda.

4. Then pour it into the milk.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Crushed into clusters

6. Cut the onions and put them in and keep rubbing them.

7. (You can also add onions directly in the fourth step.)

8. It's all right.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Straight into thin slices.

10. Make the shape you want.

11. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees and bake on medium heat for about 12 minutes.


Handy cooking tips

  The specific temperature and time depends on the condition of your oven.Be careful to observe for about 10 minutes so as not to get confused.