Egg and butter cookies

2023-10-29 16:36:45COOKIE


  One of my favorite biscuits is the egg yolk biscuit, one is printed on the surface without carrot juice, one is painted on the surface with carrot juice, the latter is better to eat, especially when the biscuits are just out of the oven, the tongue has to swallow the stomach together.



Low powder 200 grams
100 grams of flour
40 grams of egg yolk
120 grams of butter
The right amount of herbs
1/2 teaspoon of salt
100 grams of sugar
3 tablespoons of clean water

How TO MADE Egg and butter cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. The sugar and a large spoon of clean water are placed in a non-sticky pot, slowly cooked on low heat, and stirred with a small spoon while cooking.

2. Turn off the fire when it boils.

3. Then add two more tablespoons of clean water and stir slowly.

4. When cooked, the sugarcane syrup is thick enough to be picked up slowly with a small spoon.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The carrot juice is ready to be dried and cooled.

6. Sugar powder and low powder mixed evenly.

7. Once filtered into a softened butter bowl.

8. Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Rub it evenly with your hands.

10. The flour is evenly wrapped in butter.

11. Then pour it into the egg yolk, without stirring.

12. Add a few drops of vanilla extract.

Steps 13 to 16

13. The above ingredients are mixed together by hand into a smooth dough.

14. The dough is kneaded into slices about 3 centimeters thick.

15. The surface of the mask should be as smooth as possible, and the finished product will be more beautiful.

16. Place the dough in the refrigerator for about half an hour until it hardens.

Steps 17 to 20

17. To prepare the mold, I used a rectangular stamp mold and a small printing mold like this.

18. Stamp model

19. In addition, prepare a little low powder and a small brush.

20. Take out the chilled slices and heat them down slightly to soften the surface of the slice slightly.

Steps 21 to 24

21. Put the powder under the mold first.

22. A stamp image is engraved on a large sheet of paper.

23. All the stamps are engraved together.

24. Then you can use the printing template to print the desired letters on the stamp image.

Steps 25 to 28

25. If the action is fast, the surface softens very fast, and if the action is slow, the printing is difficult and also affects the effect.

26. Cook in the oven for about 10 minutes at 190 degrees Fahrenheit.

27. The same as the carrot juice on the surface, all the graphics are carved with a mold.

28. Brush the surface of the plate with a small brush of dried carrot juice.

Steps 29 to 32

29. I've used both wool brushes and silicone brushes, and it's normal for the surface to be uneven, but once it's cooked, the caramel juice on the surface will naturally turn a uniform color.

30. Similarly, the middle layer of the oven is 190 degrees for about 10 minutes, because this surface has caramel juice, so don't worry too much about the color of the biscuits, the deeper the color, the better it looks, and the longer the baking time, the better it tastes.
