Oatmeal and sugar cookies

2023-10-29 16:37:02COOKIE


  The weather is getting warmer, there are still many oatmeal pieces in the house that have not been digested, I'm afraid to put them down, they will grow worms, I'm thinking about how to use them quickly, it just so happens that friends come to the house as guests, I want to make something good to eat, oatmeal biscuits say so and dry! In fact, this snack also has the advantage of eating a feeling of satiety, in spring, the rice that needs to lose weight can be taken at any time to fill the stomach to eliminate the hunger caused by diet!



150 grams of low-fat flour
40 grams of red sugar
40 grams of fine sand
120 grams of butter
2.5 ml of baking soda
100 grams of oatmeal
30 grams of honey

How TO MADE Oatmeal and sugar cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. The required ingredients are suitable one by one, wheat flour, red sugar, fine sand, baking soda, sieved low starch powder are mixed evenly in a large bowl and then used, the butter is heated into a liquid, put in honey and then poured into the mixed dry powder and stirred evenly.

2. A small piece of flour is rubbed by hand into a small round ball and then pressed into a thin round shape of about 0.3 cm thickness and about 3 cm size.

3. Put it in a preheated oven at 150 degrees and heat it for 10 minutes until the surface turns golden yellow and you can cook it!

Handy cooking tips

  The oven temperature is self-determined according to the specifications of the oven at home, I used a 45L oven on 150 degrees for 10 minutes, the amount of recipe baked a total of 4 plates, each plate 24 biscuits