Moca biscuits in two colors

2023-10-29 16:37:05COOKIE





120 grams of low-fat flour
40 grams of butter
Eggs (whole egg juice) 30 g
30 grams of fine sugar
A moderate amount of salt
75 grams of dark chocolate
5 ml of instant coffee
5 ml of hot water
15 grams of beans (not required)

How TO MADE Moca biscuits in two colors

Steps 1 to 4

1. After softening the butter, add salt and fine sugar, and use an egg beater to make the volume swell and the color fade.

2. Add the scattered whole egg juice three times, stirring evenly with the egg beater.

3. Each time the eggs are mixed with the butter, add the next one.

4. After adding the eggs, the butter should be smooth and light, and there should be no separation of the eggs.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The low-fat flour is sifted into the good butter.

6. Stir with a rubber scraper until the flour and butter are completely mixed into a moist dough.

7. Divide the dough into two equal parts and put them in different bowls.

8. 1 teaspoon of pure instant coffee powder added to 1 teaspoon of hot water, stirred until dissolved, becoming coffee liquid.

9. Pour the coffee juice into a dough.

10. Mix with a rubber scraper to make the coffee juice and dough completely mixed into a coffee-colored dough.

11. Cut the dark chocolate into small pieces, heat it separately from the water and stir it until the dark chocolate dissolves into a liquid.

12. Add the melted dark chocolate to another dough.

13. Add crushed mm beans, also pressed side by side with a rubber scraper, so that the chocolate and the dough are completely mixed, forming a chocolate-colored dough.

14. The coffee dough is placed on the preservation bag, and the dough is cut into rectangles with a dough stick (because the dough is soft, the preservation bag can be easily picked up).

15. The chocolate dough is also placed on a preservative bag and baked into a rectangle about the size of a coffee dough.

16. A layer of whole egg juice is applied to the surface of the chocolate cake as a binder.

17. Lift the coffee cake together with the preservation bag, tie it upside down on the chocolate cake, let them stick together tightly, and then tear the preservation bag from the back of the coffee cake.

18. As shown in the picture, roll the dough.

19. Rolled noodles, wrapped in a freshness bag, placed in the refrigerator and frozen for more than half an hour until the noodles become hard.

20. Frozen hard rolls, cut into 0.3 cm slices with a knife.

21. Place the sliced biscuits on the grill tray, leaving enough space between each biscuit.

22. The pan is placed in the middle layer of the oven, which is preheated at 180 °C, and baked for about 15 minutes until the brown part is slightly darker.

23. Finished products from furnaces